1. Strategic:
Customarily pinpoint the core problems and identify the best solutions.
Skillfully eliminate distractions to help people gain a clear understanding of what is
happening and why it is happening.
Frequently identify ways to transform an obstacle into an opportunity.
Offer explanations, discuss ideas, give examples, or share stories.
Present your ideas in a reasonable, sequential, and methodical way.
Generate lots of options for others to consider.
Express yourself with ease and grace and effectively use the spoken word by normally finding just the right words at the right moment to express whatever you are thinking and feeling.
Work diligently to invent alternative courses of action.
Fascinated by problems that puzzle, confound, or frustrate most people.
2. Achiever:
Known as a reliable and dependable person.
motivated to work diligently and cannot rest until you have completed what you told someone you would do.
Being the very best at something is quite important and posses a very little tolerance for mediocrity, especially about the things that matter most to you.
By nature, you invest a lot of time, effort, and energy in winning followers.
Aspire to leadership roles.
Realize the backing of loyal individuals is essential.
Labor tirelessly when you know your performance and results are being compared to those of other people.
Find it hard to recall a time when you failed for lack of effort. You are naturally motivated to be the very best — not merely one of the top finishers.
Satisfaction comes from being “number one.” Chances are good that you possess a tremendous capacity for working long hours. Your mental and physical energy are seldom totally expended. However, the same cannot be said for everyone who attempts to match your pace. Your tireless efforts are typically directed toward the goals you plan to reach in the coming months, years, or decades.
3. Command:
Frequently throw newcomers or outsiders off balance by pressing them to talk with you. With some individuals, you intentionally do this. With others, you are unaware of how forceful you are.
Eager to get things moving and completed. Even so, you strive to temper your demanding style.
Want people to like you as well as do what you tell them to do.
Exhibited the traits of boldness, assertiveness, and/or self-reliance since childhood.
Tend to be unsentimental and not often swayed by emotional arguments or passionate pleas. People are likely to describe you as quite realistic and practical.
Trust yourself to decide when and when not to use intricate, sophisticated, or complicated words. You really enjoy inserting academic or professional terminology into your conversations, debates, and correspondence. You routinely reinforce your knowledge and build your
confidence by using your extensive vocabulary. Difficult-to-understand words typically give you an
advantage that many people lack.
Likely that you earnestly apply yourself to seeing things as they really are. You bring a practical, matter-of-fact, and unsentimental outlook to various discussions, projects, or planning meetings.
4. Competition:
Consistently aim to turn in the prize-winning performance. A second- or
third-place finish can send you into an emotional tailspin.
Your ability to pull out of it depends on your other talents. Chances are good that you
Usually know the right time to assist someone who is vying for top honors or the first-place prize. It’s very likely that you occasionally set out to be “number one” when comparisons are being made or scores are being kept. Simply ranking among the top performers may
actually be a source of displeasure.
Rely on reason to make sense of facts, events, people’s behavior, problems, or solutions.
Consistently outmaneuver others when comparisons are being made between your results and theirs. Because of your strengths, you are motivated to prove yourself to yourself — rather than to others — by being more successful or productive than you
have ever been in the past.
Seek to resolve any doubts you have about your ability to reach your
Examine numerous assumptions — that is, anything taken to be true without proof — rather
than automatically accept them.
When perplexed, you investigate the situation. Why? You probably have set high expectations for yourself.
5. Analytical:
Usually have a blueprint — that is, a detailed outline — showing what you plan to do in the coming weeks, months, years, or decades.
Each part of your design fits seamlessly with the step preceding it and the one immediately following it.
Chances are good that you spontaneously think through things to arrive at sensible conclusions.
You generally refrain from letting your emotions rule how you act or react to events, problems, or people. It’s very likely that you are a good ally for people who are uncomfortable or overwhelmed at the prospect of interpreting numerical information.
Numbers are your language. They speak to you. They tell you stories. They allow you to make sense of things. You can take them apart and reconfigure them. You understand and appreciate the logic embedded in data.
Because of your strengths, you are a reasonable person.
You regularly investigate people’s behavior to discover the truth about them. This explains why you find something to approve of in so many different types of individuals.
Methodical thinking approach often prevents people from being distracted by their own or someone else’s emotions. You probably help them concentrate on the facts more than on their feelings.